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Is Your Skin Wedding Day Ready?

Updated: Nov 15, 2019

When should you start asking yourself if your skin is wedding day ready? At least 6 months, if not a year before your wedding. Good skin doesn't happen over night!

Before your wedding day you need to start using a regimen. A skincare regimen consist of a makeup remover, cleanser, exfoliant, eye cream, day time moisturizer & night time moisturizer. I would also recommend monthly facials leading up to your wedding day as well.

Treatments I recommend before wedding day are:

Hydrodermabrasion + dermaplane + jelly mask- This treatment is basically heaven on earth. If you want your skin to GLOW & be hydrated this is for you.

Dermaplane - removes dead skin cells & velds hair. If you are using airbrush, please, please get a dermaplane. Airbrush makeup LOVES to cling to any velds hair, making it more noticeable.

Peel- depending on your skin type & concerns I recommend doing this treatment further in advance to get you skin where you want it to be before wedding month/ week.



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